
Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.


Umami makes analyzing your data effortless

Easy to use

Powerful yet simple, Umami is easy to use and understand and doesn't require complicated setup or tag configurations.

UTMs and Custom Events

Umami automatically understands links with UTM parameters and lets you view and filter your website data based on UTMs. Additionally, you can track any event on your website, such as button clicks, form submissions, purchases, newsletter signups, etc.

No Cookie Banners

All data is anonymized with Umami, and no personal information is ever collected on your website's users. You can track your website's performance without needing opt-in cookie banners, providing your users with a better and more trusted experience. Umami is GDRP and CCPA compliant by default.


PRICE $0 (Free) $10


$0 (Free) $10

Umami $0 (Free) $10